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with NC veteran org VETS to DRONES 

Aerial View of a Drone

WHO For local military, veterans, and thier familiy and friends 

WHERE Waypoint Ranch on the Flint River 671 Allford Rd, Wooodbury GA 30293 

WHAT  Free Drone unmanned aircraft technology training and demonstration on the Flint River LUNCH PROVIDED 

JOIN US check back for our 2024 event information!



Vets to Drones



Research has demonstrated that drone technology can be a valuable form of recreational therapy for veterans struggling with various mental and physical disorders
associated with their military service. Plus, it's serious FUN!

Drone flight offers a safe and engaging outdoor activity that can help alleviate symptoms of PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, loneliness, and other mental and physical health conditions.


Vets to Drones provides an effective method for recreational therapy by providing a safe and engaging environment where veterans can revel in their camaraderie while improving their physical and mental well-being. 

Visitors by Appointment   



671 Alford Rd Woodbury Ga 30293

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